Mrs. Oliva's fourth graders work with partners to solve multi-digit multiplication problems. They are doing great working together and solving multiplication problems!
4 months ago, Vicky Foster
Kindergartener students heard the story 10 Spooky Pumpkins this week in the media center, and then were challenged to work together as a team to create a fence for five little pumpkins. The did a great job collaborating, and we saw some creative engineering!
4 months ago, Kris Bruno
Students create a platform for 5 paper pumpkins.
Three students create a platform for 5 paper pumpkins.
A student is placing a paper pumpkin on wood planks.
Four students are sitting around a small platform they built with 5 paper pumpkins.
3rd grade students were challenged to build a tower as tall as someone in their group using Keva Planks. It was tricky, but they did not give up!
4 months ago, Kris Bruno
Five students use wood planks to build a tower.
Five students use wood planks to build a tower.
Five students are showing off a tower they built with wood planks.
Three  students use wood planks to build a tower.
Four  students use wood planks to build a tower.
Five students use wood planks to build a tower.
Four  students use wood planks to build a tower.
Five students use wood planks to build a tower.
District 202 phones are fixed. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
5 months ago, District 202
We are aware of issues with our phones districtwide, specifically incoming calls and front door buzzers. We are working on the problem and will update you soon. Thanks for your patience.
5 months ago, District 202
cartoon woman holding megaphone. Attention! written across top
Second Grade students engineered a hat after hearing the story “I Want My Hat Back”. They tested their hat by making sure it remained on their head for 10 paces!
5 months ago, Kris Bruno
A student is wearing a hat made of construction paper and pipe cleaners.
A student is wearing a hat made of construction paper and is walking across the library.
A student is wearing a hat made of construction paper and pipe cleaners.
A student is wearing a hat made of construction paper.
A student is wearing a hat made of construction paper and pipe cleaners.
A student is wearing a hat made of construction paper and clothespins.
A student helps another student  create a hat made of construction paper and pipe cleaners.
A student tests a construction paper hat by walking across the library.
A student wears a tall hat made of paper.
Fifth grade students read the book “I Walk With Vanessa: A StoryAbout a Simple Act of Kindness” and then created kindness posters during their media center time. They are displayed in the hallway in support of Bullying Prevention Month.
5 months ago, Kris Bruno
Multiple posters are arranged in a heart shape on a wall in the hallway with the words “it’s cool to be kind” above it.
Congratulations to our Weekly Math Challenge Winners 10.7.24!
5 months ago, Vicky Foster
Math Challenge Winner 10.7.24
In the media center, second graders heard the read aloud Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You by Sonia Sotomayor . Then, students used an ASL alphabet template to practice signing their name. After some practice, they created a video of themselves signing their name,
5 months ago, Kris Bruno
A student records herself signing her name using ASL.
A student is preparing to record himself signing his name using ASL.
Four students practice signing their name using ASL.
Thank you to the PTO for creating our amazing float and everyone participating in the Homecoming Parade today. It was so much fun!
5 months ago, Vicky Foster
Fifth graders heard the story “Where Are You From” by Yamile Saied Mendez last week, and then were challenged to create Lego glasses to represent themselves.
5 months ago, Kris Bruno
A student is wearing Lego glasses with a small Lego window and tubes attached.
A student is wearing Lego glasses with a Lego horse and several other Lego bricks attached.
Three students are wearing Lego glasses with a variety of Lego bricks and mini figures attached.
Two students are wearing Lego glasses with a variety of Lego bricks attached.
Two students are wearing Lego glasses with a variety of Lego bricks attached.
Two students are wearing Lego glasses with a variety of Lego bricks attached.
One  student is wearing Lego glasses with a variety of Lego bricks attached.
One student is wearing Lego glasses with round orange lego pieces attached.
Two students are wearing Lego glasses with a variety of Lego bricks attached.
Kindergarten and 1st grade read Sky Color by Peter H. Reynolds this week during library time, and then students had a growth mindset sun drawing activity. They did a great job!
5 months ago, Kris Bruno
Four students draw pictures of the sun.
A student draws a sun.
Students hold up drawings of the sun.
A student holding up a drawing of the sun.
Second-grade students had a great field trip to Heap's Farm. Everyone went home with a pumpkin! Thank you to our volunteers who helped on the field trip!
5 months ago, Vicky Foster
Ms.Faber's third graders tested paper bridge weight capacity using pennies.
5 months ago, Vicky Foster
Students in Mrs. Heitz's 2nd-grade classroom learned about arrays using M&M's.
5 months ago, Vicky Foster
Flags will be at half-staff today at all District 202 buildings in honor of Patriot Day. #neverforget911
5 months ago, District 202
9/11/2024. Patriot Day. Remembering the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S.
Students are having fun at recess!
5 months ago, Vicky Foster
Students enjoy visiting the library and checking out books this week!
5 months ago, Vicky Foster
6.25 Foundation visits TJ and donates to the library to honor a fallen soldier's hometown from the Korean War, PFC Vincent Angelo Vega, Task Force Smith, 21st Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division, U.S. Army Battle of Osan, Missing In Action
5 months ago, Vicky Foster
The Board of Education will host its regular meeting on Wednesday, September 11, at Plainfield South High School, 7800 W. Caton Farm Road. Agenda: Live feed:
6 months ago, District 202
administration center building. Meeting notice