🪐🚀✨ This week, 4th grade students heard the read aloud “Mae Among the Stars” and learned about Mae Jemison, who in 1992 became the first Black woman to travel to space as a mission specialist on the Space Shuttle Endeavour. After, they built constellations using straws and posted their creation on a digital collaborative board. ✨🚀🪐
5 days ago, Kris Bruno
A student shows a constellation built from straws.
Two students build constellations from straws.
A student takes a picture of a constellation made of straws.
Two  students take a picture of a constellation made of straws.
Two students build constellations from straws.
A student holds up a  constellation from straws.
Two students build constellations from straws.
A student takes a picture of a constellation made of straws.
A constellation build with colorful straws is on a table.
A constellation build with colorful straws is on a table.
This past week all grades levels participated in the Heart Adventure Obstacle Course during PE class. The course is a integrated unit designed to instruct students on the function of the circulatory system (including the heart, brain, and lungs) by taking a journey in a larger-than-life setting. If you would like to donate to American Heart Association, "Kids Heart Challenge" you can sign up for free & donate. Students will recieve thank you gifts. Thank you gifts will be given according to amount raised at a later date by TJ PE team. "Happy Heart-Happy Health".
6 days ago, Kris Bruno
Three teachers are in a gym sitting on scooters and pulling a rope.
Three students are in a gym making a heart symbol with their hands and holding a sign that says I like the kid's heart challenge.
Three students  are in a gym sitting on scooters.
Students are in a gym sitting on scooters and pulling on a rope.
Students are in a gym sitting on scooters and pulling on a rope.
Six students are in a gym making the heart symbol with their hands.
A student is in a school gym holding a red American Heart Association banner.
Three students are in a school gym in front of a sign that says tricuspid valve.
Seven students are in a school gym holding red small plush balls in front of a sign that says aortic valve.
Two boys are standing in front of a poster with their arms stretched toward one another.
✨🏕️ A huge THANK YOU to all the families who joined us for Camping Under the Stars: Literacy & Math Night! Your enthusiasm made the night shine brighter than the stars! 🌟 From reading adventures to math challenges, we loved seeing our campers explore and learn together. 🏕️💡
8 days ago, Kris Bruno
A teacher reads  to a student in a tent.
A teacher is standing in front of a tent projected on the wall reading a book to students that are sitting on the floor.
Students are pretending to catch paper fish from an inflatable swimming pool.
Two students are sitting on the flooring coding a robotic mouse.
A teacher and four students are standing in front of a screen marching.
Two students are writing letters in salt on trays.
A student paints fireflies on a blue piece of paper while an another student stands next to him with a completed project.
Two students and three adults are standing around a desk with an activity and small compasses.
Three students stand in a school lobby wearing paper hats that look like s’mores with eyes.
A teacher read a story book to a group of students.
Due to inclement weather, the District 202 Administration Center will close at 2 p.m. today. We apologize for any inconvenience.
9 days ago, District 202
front of Administration Center building
Second grade mathematicians in Mrs. Heitz's class celebrate during the popsicle party they won by having the highest percent participation for their grade level! Nice job!
11 days ago, Kris Bruno
Students are standing in a group posing for a picture with freeze pops in their hands.
Registration Is Now Open! Flyers were sent home last week with students. Registration is free on-line with the American Heart Association. Students can raise funds for kids with special hearts, receive prizes & an opportunity to go to a Chicago Bulls Game & 2026 Super Bowl. Feb 10th-14th students will participate in our Heart Adventure Course" that will keep their hearts & brains healthy. Mr. Siphoned from the American Heart Association came to Thomas Jefferson and shared a informative, fun & engaging assembly.
13 days ago, Kris Bruno
A man is standing in front of an image with 7 cartoon ducks and is holding a cardboard cartoon duck cutout.
Five people are standing in front of cardboard duck cutouts and making a heart symbol with their hands.
Four  students are standing in front of cardboard duck cutouts and making a heart symbol with their hands.
Two students and two adults stand in front of a screen with a question displayed asking how to make water more fun to drink.
Three people are standing and holding cardboard duck cutouts.
A flier explains that the kid's heart challenge goal is $2,000 and donations are due February 27.
Students celebrated Lunar New Year in the media center this week! 🎉📚 They enjoyed read-alouds about the traditions and stories behind the holiday before diving into fun hands-on activities 🐉✨ #LunarNewYear
13 days ago, Kris Bruno
A student is holding a red and yellow paper dragon he made.
Two students are cutting paper plates in a spiral shape.
A student is folding red and yellow paper to make a dragon.
Students are holding red and yellow paper dragons that they created.
Four students are holding plates cut into a spiral to represent a snake.
Two students are holding plates cut into a spiral to represent a snake.
A student is holding a plate cut into a spiral to represent a snake.
A student is folding red and yellow paper to make a dragon.
A student is cutting a paper plate into a spiral to represent a snake.
A student is holding a red and yellow paper dragon she made.
Thank you to our TJ community & PTO for donating gentle used gym shoes! We are very thankful & proud to announce over 90 pairs of gym shoes were donated. It's important to keep students active with safe footwear that will help with their personal success. Thank you PTO for promoting our Ready, Set, GYM SHOE Program. Thank you, Megan Orto for washing gym shoes. Thank you Vinny Perez for delivering shoes. We're off to a great start!!
14 days ago, Kris Bruno
A student sits on wooden cubbies that are filled with pairs of gym shoes.
Four students stand in front of  wooden cubbies are filled with pairs of gym shoes.
Wooden cubbies are filled with pairs of gym shoes.
A box is filled with pairs of gym shoes.
It's that time of the year again - floor hockey at TJ is here! With the popularity of hockey amongst children, we have furthered student's knowledge while acquiring skills including passing challenges, stick handling (dribbling), and shooting all incorporated into floor hockey games with 3rd through 5th graders. It has been a blast encompassing district, state and national PE standards.
15 days ago, Kris Bruno
Students are playing floor hockey in a school gymnasium.
Students are playing floor hockey in a school gymnasium.
Students are playing floor hockey in a school gymnasium.
Students are playing floor hockey in a school gymnasium.
Students are playing floor hockey in a school gymnasium.
🎉🎈 Hip, hip, hooray—it’s the 100th day! 🎈🎉 Our amazing 2nd graders at Thomas Jefferson Elementary celebrated 100 days of learning, growing, and fun today! From creative 100-day projects to dressing up like they’re 100 years old, these kiddos made the day extra special! 👵👴✨
17 days ago, Kris Bruno
Two students and a teacher dressed as if they are 100 years old stand in a school hallway.
A student dressed as if  she is 100 years old works on an activity.
Two students dressed as if they are 100 years old work on an activity in a school hallway.
Four students as if they are 100 years old stand in a school hallway in front of a 100 day banner.
Four students as if they are 100 years old stand in a school hallway in front of a 100 day banner
Three students as if they are 100 years old stand in a school hallway in front of a 100 day banner
Four students as if they are 100 years old stand in a school hallway in front of a 100 day banner
Four teachers dressed as if they are 100 years old stand in a school hallway in front of a 100 day banner.
Students dressed as if they are 100 years old stand in a school hallway in front of a 100 day banner.
Four students as if they are 100 years old stand in a school hallway in front of a 100 day banner
Thomas Jefferson No cook Day! February 13th 9am-10pm at Westfield Family Restaurant
17 days ago, Kris Bruno
A flier explaining Thomas Jefferson No cook Day! February 13th 9am-10pm Westfield Family Restaurant 7126 Caton Farm Rd, Plainfield
Mrs. Heitz’s class had a special mystery reader today….Ms. Molitor (our art teacher)!
20 days ago, Kris Bruno
A teacher is sitting in a chair holding up 2 picture books and showing them to several students sitting on the floor.
A teacher is sitting in a chair reading a picture  book and showing it to students sitting on the floor.
Students and families enjoyed a fantastic evening filled with magic and excitement!
20 days ago, Vicky Foster
Save the date! TJ's Sweetheart Dance will be on Friday, February 21st. Keep an eye out for the fliers coming home! The PTO is also spreading love and kindness throughout the month of February! February 18th- Kindness Day- WEAR RED February 14th- PTO FREE Popcorn Day!
21 days ago, Kris Bruno
A poster advertising 3 PTO events at Thomas Jefferson. There is a dance, free popcorn day, and kindness day.
A poster for a dance on Friday, February 21  6:30 - 8:30pm at Thomas Jefferson with pink and red hearts along the side.
An order to purchase a corsage or boutonnière for a school dance with pink and red hearts along the side.
Congratulations to all of our students who participated in Battle of the Books! They all did an amazing job!
22 days ago, Vicky Foster
TJ proudly recognizes and celebrates Ms. Deacon for 15 years of dedication, passion, and commitment to our students and school community. Her impact has shaped countless young minds, inspired colleagues, and made a lasting difference in education. Thank you, Ms. Deacon!
22 days ago, Vicky Foster
Two notes to add to your calendar for February 5: To help support the Bags of Hope program, we are asking that you participate in our “Souper” Bowl on February 5 2025. Please drop off cans of soup to your school during the day or at Plainfield Academy from 4pm-6pm. Also, TJ's NO COOK DAY! Dine In, Carry Out or Drive Through at Westfield Restaurant. Give them the flier below and they will donate a portion of the check to Thomas Jefferson!
22 days ago, Kris Bruno
A poster inviting families to restaurant fundraiser on February 5 from 9am -10pm.
Poster reminding families to ONE DAY ONLY   Please drop off cans of soup to your school during the day or at Plainfield Academy from 4pm-6pm on February 5, 2025.
Join us for camping under the stars on February 6th from 5:30-7:30 PM! There will be action-packed educational activities, arts and crafts, and a supportive environment for campers to build friendships and have fun with dedicated TJ Staff. Hope to see you there!
22 days ago, Kris Bruno
A poster advertising math and literacy night  on February 6 from 5:30-7:30 pm. There is a lantern and a half of a tree.
Day one of Battle of the Books was a huge success yesterday! These students did an amazing job answering questions about books they read and showing superb sportsmanship whether they won or lost. Thank you also to the wonderful parent volunteers, we could not have possibly gotten through 32 battles without you! Today we have our final 8, 4, and semi finals. Our final two teams per grade will battle it out Thursday afternoon. Good luck to all!
23 days ago, Kris Bruno
Fifteen groups of 5 students each holding a sign that says their team name for a book competition.
!3 groups of 5 students each holding a sign that says their team name for a book competition.
Please help support your child's education by wearing gym shoes on their PE days. Having proper gym shoes will help students stay engaged, participate safely and be more successful in their active personal health! Please donate any "gently used" gym shoes in the drop off box located in TJ main lobby. Thank you!
27 days ago, Kris Bruno
Poster with a pair of red shoes at the top showing which days students have PE class.
Poster with gym shoes at the top explaining school donation program.