Students in our Basketball Club earn Great Character Awards!
about 1 year ago, Vicky Foster
Student Character Awards
Student Character Awards
Student Character Awards
Student Character Awards
Students and staff in kindergarten, first, and second grades celebrated the 100th day of school. They learned and completed various activities using the number 100.
about 1 year ago, Vicky Foster
100th Day
100th Day
100th Day
100th Day
100th Day
100th Day
100th Day
100th Day
100th Day
100th Day
Author Nick Mihailovic Jr., a previous District 202 student, read his book Forest Friends to Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade students.
about 1 year ago, Nicole Sourek
Nick showing pictures to students.
Students hands are raised
author with book
No school today due to icy roads. No E-Learning. Plan to be in person tomorrow. Afterschool activities are canceled
about 1 year ago, District 202
graphic that says attention
We want YOU to be a substitute teacher in District 202! To apply, visit
about 1 year ago, District 202
graphic about hiring substitute teachers in District 202
Please plan for in-person learning tomorrow, Wednesday, 01.17.2024. We thank you for your patience and attendance during the two days of E-Learning.
about 1 year ago, District 202
Tomorrow, 1/16/24, we will have an E-Learning Day. Stay safe and warm!
about 1 year ago, Vicky Foster
E-Learning Day 1/16/24
District 202 will use an E-Learning day tomorrow , Tuesday, January 16, 2024. Visit for details. #202proud #staywarm
about 1 year ago, District 202
graphic that says e-learning day
Welcome to our new website! Look around and give us your feedback by filling out this form:
about 1 year ago, District 202
Have you downloaded our new mobile app yet? Visit to learn more about the app.
about 1 year ago, District 202
graphic showing how to download new app
Have you downloaded our new mobile app? Visit to see how.
about 1 year ago, District 202
graphic detailing how to download new app
No school Monday, January 15 in honor of the Martin Luther King Jr., birthday holiday.
about 1 year ago, District 202
graphic with US flag and words Martin Luther King Day
Due to weather-related issues, District 202 will have an E-Learning Day tomorrow, January 12, 2024. Students should NOT report to school.
about 1 year ago, Vicky Foster
E-Learning Day 1/12/24
District 202 is planning on in-person instruction tomorrow. Any change based on the weather will be shared in the morning. Visit for our complete weather plan.
about 1 year ago, District 202
green background with Attention! written in yellow
Wondering how District 202 handles bad weather? When do we call off school? When do we go remote? Find out answers to your questions here:
about 1 year ago, District 202
graphic saying friendly reminder